Are you sitting comfortably as this may take up to 5 minutes to read.
It might change your life forever or that of a friend, loved one or your child. Please don’t smoke while reading this.
Did you know that New Scientist magazine reported that hypnotherapy was the most successful way of quitting smoking? And new figures suggest that fewer and fewer adults in Britain now smoke. Would you like to be one of them again?
Remembering now that we were all non smokers once!
While doing further research about smoking and quitting I discovered that nearly two-thirds of smokers in Britain want to give up, according to new figures re-published in March 2011 by Cancer Research UK originally from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
I’d imagine on a straight forward survey that is very accurate. However digging a bit deeper I would also imagine there are parts or many of us who would say yes to the questionnaire. But when you are about to light up to smoke another part of you that doesn’t want to quit right then or not
I write more on how Cognitive Hypnotherapy addresses those parts and uses your own unconscious resources to help you change your behaviour in regards to smoking further in this article.
Are you now one of them?
Continue reading Part of me wants to stop smoking now but another part of me does not, can you help?